One of the features our clients commonly want is “smart home” functionality. For the tech savvy, it’s especially appealing to have all the home controls (security, climate, home theater and more) literally in your hand — on your smartphone — anywhere you go.
This trend is so popular, even homeowners who are remodeling are adding smart technology. Houzz.com found that almost half of the 1,000 surveyed homeowners planned technology upgrades as part of their project.
Smart means both convenient and secure
Technology in the luxury home is about convenience and also about security. Being able to view your security video camera feed from the beach in Hawaii no doubt gives you peace of mind.
The top controls our clients ask for are lights, window shades, heating and air conditioning, security cameras and — of course — home theater system. But those who want more will certainly find all sorts of choices on the market.
And the list of possibilities seems to grow daily. Just take a look at the annual Consumer Electronics Show to see how connected technology is jumping from TV’s Jetsons home and into yours.
For starters, you won’t have to go around for much longer doing things like say, checking your laundry load or ordering groceries. Amazon’s Alexa and other artificial intelligence assistants are taking over. Soon, perhaps all we’ll have to do is sit back and enjoy.
Specialized team steps in behind the scenes
To make the connected home run smoothly, a lot of work must happen behind the scenes during construction. Once all the structural wiring is in place, it can take a few days to program the computer “brain.”
This work is highly specialized. Which is why we have tech-savvy experts on our team with deep experience in this field of work.
If you’re ready to experience the home of the future, this is a good time to start. We may not be able to give you a housecleaning robot just yet, but we can certainly make your luxury home living more convenient.